Word Search Generator

Source Code

About and Instructions

Changing size

The width and height can be changed using the two dropdown boxes in the options section. Currently the minimum size is 5 and the maximum size is 20. The default size is 12. Size will not automatically update, you will have to click generate yourself for an update.

Handling Words

To add words to the word list just type a new word in the new word input box located in the options section. All words currently in the list are available in the current word list section under the options section New words are not automaticly added to the generated output and you will have to click generate yourself. To remove words from the current list just click the corresponding X.

Generated Output

To generate the word search click the generate button. The algorithm has 1000 attempts to place the word. Words can be placed in the following orientations vertical, horizontal and diagonal. There are options to disable placing words diagonally as well as to disable placing words backwards.


Word List

  • No words added yet

Word Search Output